Server-side image maps must not be used
Server-side image maps are not keyboard accessible; mouse clicks are required to access the links contained in the image, making the image inaccessible to people who only use keyboards for their navigation.
Server side image maps pass the coordinates of the mouse click to the server-side script used
to process the image map. Because they rely on mouse clicks, they are not keyboard
accessible, whereas client-side image maps are keyboard accessible. Further, it is not
possible to provide text alternatives to the actionable areas of a server-side image map
like you can with the area
s of a client-side image map.
Fixing the problem
Change all server-side image maps to client-side image maps.
Bad Example
Don't use server-side image maps.
<a href="/maps/"><img src="/images/navbar.gif" ismap></a>
Good Example
A client-side image map is contained by an <img>
element. They have a
usemap attribute containing the name of the image map (i.e. <img
usemap="myImageMap" src="..."
). After the <img>
element, a set of <map>
elements encloses the space where clickable
hotspots are defined on the map as follows:
<img src="images/solar_system.jpg" alt="Solar System" width="472" height="800" usemap="#Map"/>
<map name="Map">
<area shape="rect" coords="115,158,276,192" href="" alt="Mercury">
<area shape="rect" coords="115,193,276,234" href="" alt="Venus"> Remaining hotspots in image map...