1. Getting Started
  2. Installation: Preline UI


ARIA tooltip nodes must have an accessible name

Screen reader users are not able to discern the purpose of elements with role="tooltip" that do not have an accessible name.

Fixing the problem

Correct markup solutions

The aria-tooltip-name rule has four markup patterns that pass test criteria:

<div role="tooltip" id="al" aria-label="Name"></div>
<div role="tooltip" id="alb" aria-labelledby="labeldiv"></div>
<div role="tooltip" id="combo" aria-label="Aria Name">Name</div>
<div role="tooltip" id="title" title="Title"></div>

Ensure that each element with role="tooltip" has one of the following characteristics:

  1. Inner text that is discernible to screen reader users.
  2. Non-empty aria-label attribute.
  3. aria-labelledby pointing to element with text which is discernible to screen reader users.

Incorrect markup solutions

The aria-tooltip-name rule has four markup patterns that fail testing criteria:

<div role="tooltip" id="empty"></div>
<div role="tooltip" id="alempty" aria-label=""></div>
<div role="tooltip" id="albmissing" aria-labelledby="nonexistent"></div>
<div role="tooltip" id="albempty" aria-labelledby="emptydiv"></div>
<div id="emptydiv"></div>