1. Getting Started
  2. Installation: Preline UI


Has cookies

A cookie is a small text file that contains data potentially used to identify your computer, you as a person or your preferences.

There are different types of cookies but there are 3 main categories:

Sessions cookies
Session cookie are cookies that have a limited lifetime and used to identify your connection during a session. Once you close the browser, these sessions cookies should disappear. Sessions cookies are used during shopping, login and account actions, or payments.
Personalization cookies
Cookies that contain data with your preferences or an identifier can be used for many things such personalizing the view of the website but also which ads to show you. These cookies are usd for marketing purposes.
Tracking cookies
Tracking cookies use identifiers to keep track of which pages you visit and can persist for a very long time (years). These trackers can potentially be used to track you across domains.

The GDPR requires in certain cases that a user is requested to give consent for these cookies.

It is possible that some cookies are necessary for the proper function of the website. These cookies are impossible to omit for the proper and correct functioning of a webpage.

As a result, it is allowed ot set these cookies without consent.

The audit failed, is the webpage breaching the GDPR directive?

Not necessarily

As documented above there are cases where the webpage can set cookies without asking for user consent

However, you are required to document these cookies and your cookie policy and documentation must be accurate.

How to fix?

The audit tests for several cases and record all cookies that are send over the network

JavasScript support
Server side cookies can be set regardless of wether the browser has Javascript activated or not. Many Cookie solutions depend on JavaScript and will not function properly when cookies are set by the server.
Verify if your server configuration sends cookies and whether they are saved when a user browses the webpage with Javascript deactivated.
Outdated cookie policy
Cookie policies are difficult to maintain and will often become outdated. A website is usually a marketing tool that is regularly updated. Editor can inadvertently introduce images, or code snippets that come with tracking cookies.
Identify all the pages and resources listed in Sitefig to locate the source of the cookies. Or, you can use the list of cookies to update the privacy policy.
Open source software
A large number of software libraries are used to create websites. In some cases these libraries come with either 3rd party trackers, and potential set cookies and leak data from your website. Sitefig identifies all cookeis set without consent and records any trackers found on your webpagess.
Identify the open source library and decide whether the 3rd party tracker is a necessary piece of software. Or, you can use the list of cookies to update the privacy policy.

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